Sample Chart of Accounts Template


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The accounting software then aggregates the information into an entity’s financial statements. The chart of accounts is useful in maintaining consistency and data integrity in recording transactions. Take note that the chart of accounts of one company may not be suitable for another company. In any case, the chart of accounts is a useful tool for bookkeepers in recording business transactions.

  1. The chart of accounts organizes your business’ financial accounts into easy-to-understand groups.
  2. However, they also must respect the guidelines set out by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
  3. The following tips will help you set your chart of accounts up for success.
  4. While Pacioli’s work laid the foundation for modern accounting, a standardized chart of accounts had yet to emerge.
  5. Start with a free account to explore 20+ always-free courses and hundreds of finance templates and cheat sheets.

The COA is typically set up to display information in the order that it appears in financial statements. That means that balance sheet accounts are listed first and are followed by accounts in the income statement. Most new owners start with one or two broad categories, like “sales” and “services.” While some types of income are easy and cheap to generate, others require considerable effort, time, and expense. It may make sense to create separate line items in your chart of accounts for different types of income. Liability accounts also follow the traditional balance sheet format by starting with the current liabilities, followed by long-term liabilities. The number system for each liability account can start from 2000 and use a sequence that is easy to follow and compare in different accounting periods.


Your COA can help you determine how much of your monthly income you can afford to put toward your debts and help you develop longer-term debt repayment plans. While there is no mandated structure for a chart of accounts, when designing your chart, you should still follow the guidelines set forth by GAAP or IFRS. It’s important to set up the chart of accounts correctly the first time around, since you should use the same system from year to year to maintain consistency. This coding system can be broken down into further categories and details depending on the amount of listings and how detailed the company wants the chart of accounts to be. The financial world is filled with terms that can seem intimidating to someone without a strong finance background.

Why Is the Chart of Accounts Important?

On the other hand, organizing the chart with a higher level of detail from the beginning allows for more flexibility in categorizing financial transactions and more consistent historical comparisons over time. Nevertheless, the exact structure of the chart of accounts is the reflection on the individual needs of each entity. The accounts are identified with unique account numbers, and are usually grouped according to their financial statement classification. Take note, however, that the chart of accounts vary from company to company.

Each of the accounts in the chart of accounts corresponds to the two main financial statements, i.e., the balance sheet and income statement. Accounting software frequently includes sample charts of accounts for various types of businesses. It is expected that a company will expand and/or modify these sample charts of accounts so that the specific needs of the company are met. Once a business is up and running and transactions are routinely being recorded, the company may add more accounts or delete accounts that are never used. Because the chart of accounts is a list of every account found in the business’s accounting system, it can provide insight into all of the different financial transactions that take place within the company.

Structure of Chart of Accounts

For example the inventory codes run from 400 to 499 so there is plenty of room to incorporate new categories of inventory if needed. The business should decide what accounting reports it needs and then provide sufficient account codes to allow the report to be produced. An added bonus of having a properly organized chart of accounts is that it simplifies tax season. The COA tracks your business income and expenses, which you’ll need to report on your income tax return every year. A chart of accounts gives you great insight into your business’s revenue beyond just telling you how much money you earn.

The basic equation for determining equity is a company’s assets minus its liabilities. A business transaction will fall into one of these categories, providing an easily understood breakdown of all financial intuit terms of service transactions conducted during a specific accounting period. It should have enough subcategorization and detail to be useful — but not so much that nearly every transaction requires a different account.

And even within the manufacturing line of business, a manufacturer in the aerospace sector will have a much different looking chart of accounts than one that produces computer hardware or even clothing apparel. While in most jurisdictions and industries it is entirely up to each entity to design the chart of accounts according to its specific requirements, others provide general guidelines or are even regulated by law. Even for a small business, however, more digits allow the flexibility to add new accounts as the business grows in the future, while maintaining the logical order of the coding system. A chart of accounts lists down all accounts used by an entity in its accounting system. She would then make an adjusting entry to move all of the plaster expenses she already had recorded in the “Lab Supplies” expenses account into the new “Plaster” expenses account. Instead of recording it in the “Lab Supplies” expenses account, Doris might decide to create a new account for the plaster.

Chart of Accounts Examples

Liability accounts provide a list of categories for all the debts that the business owes its creditors. Typically, liability accounts will include the word “payable” in their name and may include accounts payable, invoices payable, salaries payable, interest payable, etc. Groups of numbers are assigned to each of the five main categories, while blank numbers are left at the end to allow for additional accounts to be added in the future. Also, the numbering should be consistent to make it easier for management to roll up information of the company from one period to the next. They represent what’s left of the business after you subtract all your company’s liabilities from its assets.

This will allow you to quickly determine your financial health so that you can make intelligent decisions moving forward. Each time you add or remove an account from your business, it’s important to record it into the correct account. Read on to learn how to create and utilize the chart to keep better track of your business’s accounts. A standard COA will be a numbered list of the accounts that fill out a company’s general ledger, acting as a filing system that categorizes a company’s accounts.

Furthermore, big companies can have thousands of line items so a chart of accounts allows them to easily be broken down into different hierarchies and categories. The main components of the income statement accounts include the revenue accounts and expense accounts. These accounts are maintained in the general ledger, a comprehensive accounting record that summarizes all financial transactions. The general ledger is like the central hub where all the individual accounts come together, providing a comprehensive view of a company’s financial position and performance. In this sample chart of accounts template the sub-group column divides each group into the categories shown in the listings below.

A chart of accounts operates in a manner similar to personal finance tools. For instance, if you have different types of accounts at a bank, such as checking, savings, and a certificate of deposit, you would typically see an overview of your balances when you log into your online account. The main accounts within your COA help organize transactions into coherent groups that you can use to analyze your business’s financial position. In fact, some of the most important financial reports — the balance sheet and income statement — are generated based on data from the COA’s main accounts. FreshBooks will help you stay organized with a user-friendly interface that keeps things simple.

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Intuit Inc. does not have any responsibility for updating or revising any information presented herein. Accordingly, the information provided should not be relied upon as a substitute for independent research. Intuit Inc. does not warrant that the material contained herein will continue to be accurate nor that it is completely free of errors when published. Assets are resources your business owns that can be converted into cash and therefore have a monetary value. Examples of assets include your accounts receivable and physical assets like vehicles, property, and equipment. GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) are created and maintained by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and apply to business in the United States.

We presume they accept online payments via payment platforms (for example, Stripe, Paypal, or Square). You might also notice that there are specificities of the business that might affect the structure of the chart of accounts. The specific accounts and their numbering may vary by company, industry, or specific accounting standards adopted. Regular updates to the COA may be necessary to reflect changes in the business structure or accounting requirements. But the final structure and look will depend on the type of business and its size. Each time you add or remove an account from your business, it’s important to record it in your books.

The exact layout of the accounting chart of accounts is a matter of choice depending on the exact reporting requirements of the business. The important point to remember is not to over complicate the chart of accounts. This sample chart of accounts structure allows the business to easily identify accounts and account codes enabling transactions to be posted and the trial balance and financial statements to be prepared. If you’ve worked on a general ledger before, you’ll notice the accounts for the ledger are the same as the ones found in a chart of accounts.Keeping your books organized does not need to be a chore.

You can get a handle on your necessary recurring expenses, like rent, utilities, and internet. You can also examine your other expenses and see where you may be able to cut down on costs if needed. A chart of accounts is an important organizational tool in the form of a list of all the names of the accounts a company has included in its general ledger. This list will usually also include a short description of each account and a unique identification code number. Charts of accounts can follow many different structures and can be modified to meet almost any size or type of business.

Your chart of accounts is a living document for your business and because of that, accounts will inevitably need to be added or removed over time. The general rule for adding or removing accounts is to add accounts as they come in, but wait until the end of the year or quarter to remove any old accounts. If you take a block away from one section of your business, you have to add it back someplace else. For the sake of accuracy in period-to-period comparisons, it’s crucial to maintain the same chart of account format over time.

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